Installing an SSL

If you already have a key and certificate files, please do the following to install it:
  1. Login to the control panel
  2. Go to Domain Settings --> Domain info --> Web options --> the domain (if multiple)
  3. Click the "edit" icon (pencil) under the SSL Support page or Click "Import SSL certificate" under the SSL support section
    • Note: if you do not see this option and have not changed to dedicated IP yet, there will be an option at the top of the page labeled "Switch to dedicated IP" that needs to be clicked and confirmed so that your domain will change to a dedicated IP.
  4. Enter the contents of the key and certificate files in to the respective fields
  5. If the certificate was generated with "www" in it, make sure to select that in the popup menu
  6. If the certificate included a certificate authority files, ca_bundle, or intermediate certificate please do the following
    1. Click the "edit ssl" button under the SSL support section
    2. Paste in the ca bundle / intermediate certificate in to the "Certificate chain file" field and hit submit / install directly under tha form
    3. If the certificate included a root file, place that in the certificate authority file field
  7. The ssl will be active in 5 to 10 minutes
  8. Test the SSL by going to your site with https:// instead of http:// .  

NOTE: When installing an SSL, it is important to keep the "-----START CERTIFICATE-----" and "-----END CERTIFICATE-----" tags, else the control panel will error saying the format does not match.

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