When and What Fees Do I Pay?

When and What Fees Do I Pay?

In your hosting system you can be charged plan fees for account services provided with your hosting plan and fees for custom jobs. Plan fees, except for domain registration fee are charged for resources acquired beyond free units. You should distinguish between the following types of plan fees:

* Setup fee: single time fee charged at the moment a unit of specific resource is acuried over free units.
= Setup price for this specific resource

* Recurrent fee for billing period resources: service fee for resource maintenance during the whole billing period; charged in advance the moment it is acquired and since then at the beginning of each billing period.
= Monthly price for the resource x units over free (for quotas) x days left to the end of the billing period / billing period duration in days

* Recurrent fee for monthly resources: fee for each GB of traffic or MB of disk space reserved over free units; charged inprorated for the whole billing month in advance at the moment of purchase and since then at the beginning of each billing month.
= Monthly price for a monthly resource x units over the current resource limit / billing period duration in months

* Usage fee: fee for each excessive GB of traffic or MB of disk space consumed over the user reserved limit; charged at the end of each billing month
= Extra price for a monthly resource x units over the user reserved limit / billing period duration in months

* Domain registration fee: single time setup fee charged at the moment of domain registration / renewal with a domain registrar from your account CP.
= Registration price for the term the domain is registered / renewed for
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